TN Employment and Community First CHOICES
This program is for people of all ages who have an intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD).

Living well independently
Employment and Community First CHOICES helps people with I/DD gain as much independence as possible in Tennessee. The program gives members:
Employment and Community First CHOICES Nursing Facility Short-Term Stay Benefit
What is a Nursing Facility Short-Term Stay (STS):
Who is eligible for this benefit?
Members will not have to disenroll from their ECF CHOICES group, unless they will need more than ninety (90) days after their admission to transition back to Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) in ECF CHOICES.
How do I learn more about the ECF NF STS?
For more information, please contact your assigned coordinator at the number or email listed on your Person-Centered Support Plan.

Have questions about CHOICES?
Disability Rights Tennessee (DRT) has a Beneficiary Support System to help people who are enrolled or thinking about enrolling in CHOICES. Visit their website for ways to connect with a support specialist.
You can also call us at 866-840-4991 (TRS 711).
The member handbook: Everything you need to know
Your member handbook is your go-to guide for health services. Read it to find out about:

Consumer Direction handbook
Get tips on how to hire and direct your own home care.
Consumer Direction Handbook (English)
Provider Directories
ECF CHOICES waiver members should refer to the ECF CHOICES waiver provider directory for information on long-term care providers.
Provider Directory - Employment and Community First CHOICES (East Tennessee)
Provider Directory - Employment and Community First CHOICES (West Tennessee)
Provider Directory - Employment and Community First CHOICES (Middle Tennessee)
Need a handbook mailed to you?
Request a handbook via live chat with Member Services.
Caregiver support
Our Systems of Support (SOS) Behavioral Health Video talks about services and support for families and caregivers of members with I/DD.