Resource Library

Find the exact training materials you’re looking for
Our full library of training resources is available — including toolkits, presentations, fliers, brochures, and other useful assets to help you master the skills and strategies to best serve our members.
Training resources
Appointment availability and after-hours access requirements
Community First Choice training
Employment Assistance and Supported Employment
Medicare Advantage - Interactive Care Reviewer (ICR) FAQ
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) training and tutorials
Tools and toolkits
Caring for Diverse Populations toolkit
CMS Toolkit — Telehealth for Providers: What You Need to Know
Manuals and guides
Federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics orientation
STAR+PLUS MMP (Medicare-Medicaid Plan)
Texas Health Steps program provider presentation
Continuing medical education (CME) and additional resources
What Matters Most: Improving the Patient Experience
Implicit Bias Module Series: Kirwan Institute for The Study of Race and Ethnicity
CAHPS: Assessing Health Care Quality From the Patient's Perspective
Physician Communication and Patient Adherence to Treatment: A Meta-analysis
Long-Term Care Provider Webinar Training Schedule
New Provider Orientation 2024 Schedule (MMP) - Register for meeting
Nursing Facility Provider Advisory Group
Nursing Facility Provider Webinar Training Schedule
Texas Market Provider Advisory Committee Schedule 2024
Related topics
Training resources
Resources to further every provider’s education
Home to all the training and onboarding resources that every provider — new or experienced — can use to further their education.
Continuing medical education
Improving the patient experience
A series of online courses for providers and office staff that conveys practical strategies for implementing patient care and applying best practices.
Serving diverse populations
Tools to offer culturally competent care
To best serve our diverse populations it is important for our providers to have the knowledge, resources, and tools to provide the best care to all our members.
Interested in becoming a provider in the Wellpoint network?
We look forward to working with you to provide quality service for our members.