Find care for our members and explore our patient referral resources.
Provider search tool
To find a doctor, group, or facility for a patient referral, use our online provider search tool or refer to our provider directories on this page.
Patient referral resources
Coming soon!
To access the full list of forms related to referrals and patient care coordination, please visit the Forms page.
Case management referrals
Wellpoint offers a complex case management program for high-risk members. Using claims and utilization data, we can identify diseases for which members are most at risk and to which they are most susceptible.
Our case managers work with everyone involved in the members’ care to help implement a case management plan based on the members’ individual needs. We provide education and support to our members and their families to help them improve their health and quality of life.
If you have a high-risk patient you would like to refer to this program, please call our Customer Care Center at 800-782-0095 (TTY 866-378-1634). Additionally, providers can refer a patient to complex case management through the 24-hour Nurse Help Line at 888-850-1108.
Contact our Customer Care Center
Call: 800-782-0095
Contact our 24-hour Nurse HelpLine
Call: 888-850-1108
Interested in becoming a provider in the Wellpoint network?
We look forward to working with you to provide quality service for our members.