Texas CHIP Perinatal benefits


CHIP Perinatal services offers health care to unborn children of pregnant women.

Wellpoint is here to help your new family


CHIP Perinatal benefits can help you give your baby a healthy start in life.


Not sure of your service area? Visit our Know Your Service Area page.


CHIP Perinatal benefits include:


A perinatal care doctor.

Access to perinatal specialists when referred by your perinatal care doctor.

Up to 20 prenatal visits.

Prescriptions and prenatal vitamins.

Labor and delivery.

 Two visits for the mother after the baby is born.

 Regular checkups, immunizations, and prescriptions for the baby after the baby is born.


There are no copays for covered services.


Check your CHIP Perinate member handbook for a complete list of your benefits.

24-hour Nurse HelpLine


Get 24-hour phone advice from a registered nurse.

Call 833-731-2160 (TTY 711)

Pharmacy and prescription drugs


Your benefits include a wide range of prescription drugs. You don’t have pharmacy copays. We work with CarelonRx to provide these benefits.


Review pharmacy benefits 

Benefits for newborns


The benefits a newborn will receive depend on your family’s income. If your child lives with a family that has an income at or below the Medicaid eligibility threshold, your unborn child will be moved to Medicaid from the CHIP Perinatal program and get 12 months of Medicaid benefits, starting on the date of their birth.

CHIP Perinate Newborn benefits


If the CHIP Perinate member (your unborn child) is in a family with an income above the Medicaid eligibility threshold, then your child will continue to get health care benefits through the CHIP program after birth. If your baby is eligible as a CHIP Perinate Newborn, they will receive the same coverage as a CHIP member starting the day of their birth, except that copays will not apply until the newborn coverage period ends. Other children covered by CHIP in the same family will still have copays.

Texas Health and Human Services logo and Texas Chip logo



A preapproval is when your provider needs to ask us to approve a service before you receive it. Your provider will work with us to get the approval.


Preapproval is not needed for emergency services directly related to the delivery of your unborn child until birth.


Please visit our Referrals and Preapprovals page for more information.


Learn more about the preapprovals (prior authorizations) process on the Wellpoint provider website.

The member handbook: Everything you need to know


Your member handbook is your go-to guide for health services. Read it to find out about:


How to use your benefits

How to choose a perinatal care provider

How to get help if your doctor’s office is closed

How to reach Member Services if you have questions

Your rights and responsibilities as a Wellpoint member


CHIP Perinate member handbook (English) 


CHIP Perinate member handbook (Spanish) 


Need a handbook mailed to you?


You can request a handbook via live chat with Member Services. To have a CHIP Perinate member handbook mailed to you at no cost, contact Member Services. The handbook will be mailed within five business days of your request.