Foundational Community Supports (FCS)
Help with jobs, housing, and living independently.
To find an FCS provider, use our Find a Doctor search tool. Choose Foundational Community Supports under the Product dropdown.

Living with a mental illness or a disability can make it hard for someone to find a job or a place to live. Our Foundational Community Supports (FCS) team is here to help.
What do I get with FCS?
A chance to live the life you want to live, with support from a real person along the way.
FCS starts with your housing and employment coordinator. They’ll get to know you and your care team — doctors, counselors, caretakers, and family. Together with your provider, you’ll set goals and figure out what services you need to meet them.
There are two kinds of services you can get, based on your needs and goals. Which of these is important to you?
Do I qualify for the FCS program?
The FCS program is for people with Apple Health (Medicaid) with certain behavioral or physical health issues. Your doctor, other provider, or your health plan may refer you to the program. If you think you qualify for these services, talk with your provider. They will work with you to find out if you’re qualified.
You may qualify for supportive housing services if you need support to get or keep housing, are 18 or older, and have one or more of the following:
You may qualify for supported employment services if you need support to get or keep a job, are 16 or older, and one or more of the following are true for you:
The conditions listed above do not guarantee eligibility.
To find more information, view the Healthier Washington FCS Fact Sheet, Frequently Asked Questions, and the Washington Health Care Authority Initiative 3 website.

Contact us
If you have questions or need help, we’re a click or call away.
844-451-2828 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Your resources
To find an FCS provider, use our Find a Doctor search tool.
Foundational Community Supports (FCS) Referral Form:
Foundational Community Supports Disenrollment Form:
Provider Change Request Form:
Provider Change Request Form (English)
Provider Change Request Form (Spanish)
HCA has contracted with Wellpoint as the Third Party Administrator (TPA) for Foundational Community Supports.