
Eligiblility and enrollment in Texas MMP

Wellpoint’s MMP program discontinued operations in Texas as of December 31, 2024. Learn more about our Dual Eligible Special Needs plan or for more information, please contact Wellpoint at 855-878-1784 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time.

Am I eligible for Wellpoint STAR+PLUS MMP?


You are eligible for our plan if you:


  • Are age 21 or older.
  • Live in our service rea (Bexar, El Paso, Harris, and Tarrant counties).
  • Have Medicare Parts A and B.
  • Are a United States citizen or are lawfully present in the United States.
  • Are eligible for or enrolled in Texas Medicaid and at least one of the following:
    • Have a physical disability or a mental disability and qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), OR
    • Qualify for Texas Medicaid because you receive Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver services; AND
  • Are NOT enrolled in one of the following 1915(c) waiver programs:
    • Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)
    • Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities Program (DBMD)
    • Home and Community-based Services (HCS)
    • Texas Home Living Program (TxHmL)

How to join


Call the STAR+PLUS helpline at 877-782-6440 (TTY: 711 or 800-735-2989) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central time. Tell them you want to join in Wellpoint STAR+PLUS MMP.

After you join


We’ll send you an ID card and all the information you need to start using your benefits.

To disenroll at any time, please visit our Disenrollment page.

How to renew


Texas MMP members need to renew STAR+PLUS benefits every 12 months to keep them. If you don’t renew on time, you could lose your benefits.

But don’t worry — just follow these easy steps to renew your benefits.

1. Check your mail


You’ll get a notice in the mail from the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) when it’s time to renew.

2. Visit Your Texas Benefits


Log in to manage or create your account.

3. Complete your online renewal

What if you lose your coverage?


You can still reapply for coverage. If you apply within 60 days of the date you lost coverage and you’re still eligible, you’ll return to Wellpoint.

*Note for STAR Kids and STAR+PLUS members with Supplemental Security Income (SSI).


You may not need to renew your STAR Kids and STAR+PLUS benefits every 12 months. The Social Security Administration (SSA) will review your eligibility once every one to six years, or when you report a change affecting eligibility or the benefit amount.

Have you moved?


If you moved this past year, HHSC needs your new address. Call Texas Health and Human Services Commission at 211. They can also help you with your renewal.