Grievances and appeals in West Virginia
Let us know if we’ve missed the mark
If you ever feel like you weren’t cared for or respected, please let us know. This could include an experience with a Wellpoint representative, one of your healthcare providers, or an in-network specialist. You can also file an appeal if you disagree with an initial decision we made concerning your care. Your feedback helps us better provide quality care and the services you deserve.

Filing a grievance helps us to quickly solve your issue and ensure you’re treated fairly. You may want to file a grievance if:
- You're not happy with Wellpoint for any reason.
- You've had a problem with the quality of care you’ve received from our services or network providers.
- You've had trouble getting care.
- You feel your rights have been disrespected.
- You were subject to rude behavior from a provider or someone from Wellpoint.
How to file a grievance
You can file a grievance letter or send us a Member Grievance Form any time by:
- Calling the Customer Care Center at 800-782-0095 (TTY 711).
- Faxing your grievance letter to 844-882-3250.
- Mailing your letter to:
Grievance and Appeals Department
Wellpoint West Virginia, Inc.
P.O. Box 91
Charleston, WV 25321-0091
You can also have a representative help you file your grievance. This can be a family member, friend, healthcare provider, or lawyer. Make sure you provide the date your grievance happened, who was involved, and as much information about the event as you can.
Grievance resources
What happens after you submit your grievance?
Wellpoint will send an acknowledgement letter within five calendar days of receiving your grievance. From this date, we will review the issue and send our decision within 30 calendar days of receiving your complaint. You will receive our decision in writing.
You can appeal if you disagree with our decision
An appeal is a formal way of asking us to review and change a coverage decision we made. The appeal can be made by a phone call or in writing.
If we deny, reduce, or end treatment or services, we’ll send you a Notice of Action. It will:
- Explain why we won't pay for the care or services your provider asked for.
- Tell you about your right to appeal our decision.
You or your approved representative can appeal the decision. If you have an approved representative file the appeal on your behalf, you must send us the Appeal Representative Form.

How do you file an appeal?
You can file an appeal within 60 calendar days from the date you receive your Notice of Action. You or your representative can file by:
- Calling Wellpoint at 800-782-0095 (TTY 711).
- Faxing your appeal to 844-882-3520.
- Mailing your grievance letter, Member Appeal. Request Form, or Member Appeal Representative Form to:
Attn: Grievance & Appeals Department
Wellpoint West Virginia, Inc.
P.O. Box 91
Charleston, WV 25321-0091
Appeal process resources
Member Appeal Request Form (English)
Keep getting your requested services during the appeal
You or your representative can also ask for your denied or reduced service to continue during the appeal decision process. To do this, you must request your service within 10 calendar days from the change of service date on the Notice of Action. You can send this request by calling Customer Care Center at 800-782-0095 (TTY 711) or mailing your request to:
Attn: Grievance & Appeals Department
Wellpoint West Virginia, Inc.
P.O. Box 91
Charleston, WV 25321-0091
If we agree with your appeal, we will pay for the services you receive during this time. If we deny your appeal, you may need to pay for your services while waiting for an appeal decision.
Have questions?
Check your member handbook, or ask a live representative on the SydneySM Health app.