Find providers in West Virginia

Getting the care you need close to home


You don’t need to travel far to get quality healthcare. That’s why we’ve partnered with many providers in West Virginia. Find one who meets your needs using our search tool. You can search by name, specialty, or location.


You can search for many different types of providers, like:

  • Primary care providers (PCPs)
  • Specialists
  • Hospitals and facilities
  • Labs (to get blood tests)
  • Urgent care centers


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Need dental or vision care?


Wellpoint works with SKYGEN USA Dental to provide you with dental care and Superior Vision for vision care.

Pharmacy provider


Your pharmacy benefits are managed by Gainwell Technologies. If you have any questions about which pharmacies are in-network, please call the Gainwell Technologies Help Desk at 888-483-0797.

24-hour Nurse HelpLine

24-hour Nurse HelpLine lets you call and speak with a nurse 24 hours a day, seven days a week — even on holidays. A nurse can help:

  • Give medical advice.
  • Find a provider, urgent care, or walk-in clinic to get care.
  • Make an appointment with your PCP, or another provider in your plan.
  • Help you in any language.


Wellpoint Medicaid and WVCHIP members can call 888-850-1108 (TTY 711).

Find a provider when you’re on-the-go


The SydneySM Health app lets you search for a provider right from your smartphone. You’ll always have a provider directory, member ID, and your health info on you with the Sydney Health app.


Get the Sydney Health app 

Provider Directory


Download the provider directory for a list of all the providers in your region. You can also contact the Customer Care Center to have a directory mailed to you at no cost.