Enjoy extra benefits, West Virginia


Wellpoint gives lots of no-cost extras to help our Medicaid and WVCHIP members live well.

We’re about more than just doctor visits


With Wellpoint Medicaid or WVCHIP, you can earn rewards for healthy habits, find help where you live, and get rides to your medical appointments.


To discover more about your extra benefits, check your plan’s member handbook.

Extras to help with everyday living


 Gas card—Each household can receive one $100 gas card each year. Households get $25 every three months to help with daily transport needs.


 Clean water assistance—Your household can receive filtered water pitchers if you’re residing in a target county.


 Cellphone—Receive a cellphone with monthly minutes, texts, and data for certain members ages 18 and older.


 Healthy Rewards Program—Get paid for healthy habits like going to wellness visits and other preventive care.


 Community Resource Link—Locate local community-based programs, benefits, and services.

Education and employment

  • Employment support package—Get help with common work expenses if you’re 18 or older and enrolled in an employment support program.
  • No-cost laptop—You can be eligible to receive a no-cost laptop if you’re a graduating high school student with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, or if you passed the GED/TASC tests.

Extras for members 18 and younger

  • Boys & Girls Clubs membership—You can get a youth membership at a participating Boys & Girls Clubs for your child ages 6-18. Summer camps aren’t included.
  • Summer camp sponsorship—Members 7-15 who have diabetes and meet other requirements can receive a sponsorship to attend Camp Kno-Koma.
  • Feminine care products—Members ages 10-18 can get up to $75 worth of feminine care products.

Physical well-being resources


 WW® (formerly Weight Watchers) membership—You can have in-person WW® meetings to improve your daily eating habits.


 Active&Fit Program—You may be eligible for one membership to a participating gym, such as Anytime Fitness or your local YMCA. You can also choose a home fitness kit.


 An Oral Care Essentials box—This box includes items like an electric toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss for members ages five and older who complete a yearly dental visit.


 Up to $75 in lifestyle aids—Members with an obesity, hypertension, or diabetes diagnosis can choose healthy lifestyle products from a catalog.


 Personal hygiene box—Get up to $50 worth of hygiene products or a voucher to purchase personal hygiene products for members ages five and older who complete a yearly wellness exam.

Emotional well-being resources

  • Online Emotional Well-Being program—Log into an online platform that promotes behavioral health and wellness. Learn how to better manage your behavioral health with lessons, games, goal setting, and mood tracking. This benefit is for certain members ages 13 and older.
  • Substance use disorder (SUD) Recovery Support Program—If you have SUD, you can access substance use specialists. These specialists can provide daily motivations and check-ins. You also have access to peer support discussion groups, peer-to-peer messages, and content to support ongoing recovery.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) membership—Households with anyone who has been hospitalized for an emotional or behavioral health condition can receive one no-cost NAMI membership.

Pregnancy, parent, and baby extras


 Pregnancy benefits—If you’re pregnant, you also can receive a Baby Essentials gift card with up to $170 toward baby items such as a portable crib, car seat, or diapers if you have completed six prenatal visits. You can also take no-cost pregnancy and childbirth classes to help you have a healthy pregnancy.


 Preventive dental care—If you’re pregnant, you have two covered dental visits.


 Clean water assistance—Anyone in your household ages 0-2 is also eligible for no-cost lead screenings.

Have questions?


You can redeem some benefits online through your secure account. Check the extra benefits you’re eligible for on the Benefit Reward Hub or call the Customer Care Center at 800-782-0095 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can also ask a live representative about your extra benefits on the SydneySM Health app.


Visit the Benefits Reward Hub