Alertas de medicamentos
Actualizaciones de alertas de medicamentos
Las alertas de medicamentos de Wellpoint contienen una gran cantidad de datos para ayudarle a entender cómo ciertos medicamentos le afectan y afectan al entorno de cuidado médico actual.
Nuestras alertas de medicamentos cubren temas importantes que van desde la seguridad de los medicamentos y los efectos secundarios hasta los costos y errores de los medicamentos. Estas alertas le informarán cuando un nuevo medicamento esté en el mercado, si un medicamento ha sido retirado del mercado y si un medicamento tiene una nueva indicación o uso.
- Nombre del medicamento
- Fecha
- Motivo del medicamento
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- Z-A
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Tier 1: Drugs have the lowest cost share for you. These are usually generic drugs that offer the best value compared to other drugs that treat the same conditions.
Tier 2: Drugs have a higher cost share than Tier 1. They may be preferred brand drugs, based on how well they work, and their cost compared to other drugs used for the same type of treatment. Some are generic drugs that may cost more because they're newer to the market.
Non-Formulary: A non-formulary drug is not included on a plan's Drug List. You should discuss formulary alternatives with your physician. An exception process is available to request coverage for a non-formulary drug. Please refer to Notes & Restrictions above. If ST or PA symbol is listed, you can access the drug specific criteria that applies to a coverage request. Otherwise, the general criteria and tax form found here will apply.
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